How the sliding scale works

Sliding scale pricing is a form of accessible pricing in which a customer pays a price based on their position of privilege. People pay on a sliding scale based on their financial situation. 

A visual example of the "green bottle method" of the sliding scale

People who are on the higher end of the scale typically own cars and/or houses, do not experience difficulties with paying bills, have a postsecondary degree, have decent amount of money in savings, have well paying jobs, take frequent/annual vacations, and just generally have some disposable income.

People who are on the lower end of the scale typically use transit, rent their home, frequently experience difficulties with paying bills on time and/or meeting their basic needs, do not have postsecondary education, have little to no savings set aside, do not have steady and/or well paying employment, do not take many vacations, and do not have expendable income.


Sliding scale pricing works on the honour system for me, so you select a price from the range I provide. A perfect example is my woven stars! They are constantly available, and on a sliding scale of $5-20. I would typically retail them for ~$15.

There are so many benefits to utilizing sliding scale pricing! Reasons I've given other small businesses include it widening your potential customer base while (typically) maintaining your profit margins, accommodating 2SLGBTQIA+ and/or BIPOC folx, and creating accessibility for marginalized communities. Elevator pitch aside, I use sliding scale pricing because it's important for me to ensure that everyone has access to beaded medicine. Our financial situations tend not to be our direct faults, and we should not be penalized due to the situations we are born into. Plus... capitalism is stupid lol.

Everyone deserves to be able to access beaded medicine. Hopefully, wider knowledge of me offering this will directly benefit my community!

A good resource to check out can be found HERE